Thursday, November 22, 2007

Past Archive of Beauview Cottage Resort Blog

Hello, I'm Gord - I'm the owner of the Beauview Cottage Resort along with my wife Nancy. We are located near the town of Huntsville in the Muskoka region of Ontario, about 30 minutes drive from the west gate of Algonquin park.

We learned about this new Blog system from a course we've just taken. The best thing we like about it is that you can send your comments too!

Starting now, we'll be using this new system.

For previous entries over the last year to our weblog, please visit the old weblog.

1 comment:

Phil said...

Gord, thanks for the comment on my blog. Congratulations on your triathlete-friendly initiative.I hope you get a chance to enjoy the activities the new triathlon event will bring to your town.